A 32 years old woman, residing in Sambal district, Uttar Pradesh, first came to us nine years back, in 2014, when she had already lost vision in one eye, and had very poor vision in the other due to a corneal infection. She had been treated at multiple places, but her vision kept deteriorating due to the infection.
She underwent corneal transplantation at our hospital, where her diseased cornea was replaced with a donor cornea. Soon after the surgery, she developed an infection in the transplanted cornea as well, for which she underwent a repeat corneal transplant, which later failed too, and she also developed glaucoma (increased pressure) in her eye. She was not able to do any of her activities herself and required assistance to even carry out the most basic tasks of everyday life. She also could not get married and was fed up with her life.
Considering her clinical and psychological condition, she was advised a Boston Keratoprosthesis (end stage artificial corneal implant) along with an Ahmed Glaucoma valve implant and she underwent the surgery in 2016. She was kept under supervision and close follow-up of doctors and was compliant with the treatment. Her vision drastically improved after this surgery and her pressure was also under control. She was regular with her follow-ups.
She last visited us in February 2023, and had a best corrected visual acuity of 6/12 in her only seeing eye. She is gratified and content with her vision and is able to carry out all her daily activities herself. She is even married now, and has two children. She is the sole bread-earner for her family and takes care of her physically handicapped husband and two children.
We are truly grateful to have been given the opportunity to make a difference in her life.
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