Dr. Rahul Mayor is a Vitreo Retina Specialist. He completed his long-term Fellowship at Dr. Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital, and has been practicing here as a Consultant since 9 years.
Dr. Mayor completed his DO from SRMC (Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre), and his DNB from Rajan Eye Care, in Chennai. He is presently executive member of the Delhi Ophthalmic Society (DOS).
Dr. Mayor has multiple paper presentations /faculty lectures /Instruction Courses at DOS ,UP ophthalmic society ,UK ophthalmic society and various retinal forums as national faculty to his credit. He has also presented instruction course and paper as international faculty at ARVO.
He is currently, working as a principal investigator for multiple international studies. He has over 50 publications in peer reviewed journals both national and international. He has Special interest in organizing conferences and CMEs.